...No Matter What by Malik Rosser

πŸ”–•To My Daughter•πŸ”–


My beautiful Daughter, you'd have my smart mouth and your Mom's attitude.

You'd say what's on your mind w/ out a second thought or realize you're being rude.

You wouldn't take "no" for an answer; you'd be very determined to get what you wanted.

You'd make a lot of choices, some good and some bad,

I'll be here for you when your life hits a rough patch.

The sight of you growing up would scare me; boys, parties, foul language, and inappropriate clothing.

I'd be worried, I'd complain, you'd say you hate me; the way I'd be overprotective, you'd think I was insane.

I'll be there when you discover love and need advice.

I can't stop it, and you can't avoid it-It's a way of life.

I want what's best for you.

The guy you fall for doesn't have to be perfect, but he has to truly love you, stay faithful, and never turn to abuse.

Don't worry I'll make sure he never hurts you.

If you ever have your own daughter, you'll understand. 

As you get older, so will I, and soon one day I'll be gone.

I want to make all the best memories we can, because I want to remember the fun.

I want to make sure you're completely happy before I go.

Even when I'm gone, you'll never be alone.

I'd be there in spirit every step of the way, until you reach your final day.

Afterwards, we'll see each other again behind the Golden Gates.

We'd look back at our life together and see all the times we both made each other happy, mad, and sad;

You'd see that I wasn't making things hard on you on purpose, it was just me trying to be the best I could be as your dad.

You'll make mistakes, and I will too like a total klutz, but just remember, 

I'll always love you...

...No Matter What.



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