The Unlikely Prince - Free Verse by Malik Rosser

This one is a Free Verse poem. I hope you enjoy.

Shattered glass…broken mirrors…blood-stained floors
My fame and fortune, proven by the royal décor

My status makes me a prince but my damaged mentality forces me to be a prisoner

Your presence frightens me
Your whispers break me

The walls of isolation keep me safe.
I think I know why it's called "The Pursuit of Happiness", because I'm always in a chase.

Pain and sorrow lingering in my mind where my loving memories once sat. So much regret, reminiscing about all the wasted time I can't get back.

No amount of money can buy it, not at my own expense, My judgement constantly clouded and my actions prone to be dense

They were right. I guess I truly am, and may always be, The Unlikely Prince.

~Malik Rosser


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